We are the votaries of Allah and we dare to be selfish in our lives... Astaghfirullah.
Recent events in my life left me astounded and kept me wondering the big question entitling this post. "Apa Erti Saya Hidup?". we say that we dont have to think about it because Allah already answered the question for us in the Quran in Al-baqarah saying that the purpose of us to live a life in this world is to become the "khaleef" of the world. but how many of us truly understand what it really meant and embrace themselves into becoming one?
to be talking about being a "khaleef", is a one long way to go..
and Im here to share a few thoughts about it.
A very much Thank you to Tc Saniah, Ustazah Adibah, Ustazah Marzilah and a very close-by twin for being there for me when I seemed lost with my own self. I hated to be Wani, I was lost and I dont even noe what Wani is really doing with her life. I wanted to be Fuzzy, a cat or just a sole bare tree that doesnt have to think about evoking and provoking thoughts in life. But behind every cloud there is always a silver lining, and Alhamdulillah I managed to pull it off.
Dear Friends and Family,
One evening, I went to seek for some truth. I have to admit I wasnt even focussed in my prayers as this question kept on banging my head and sounded like the school bell. I was prfound by the quesion "macam mana nak jadi baik?". but another question before having to see that question is "apa dia orang yang baik?". 'versus' taught me "orang baik" ini adalah orang yang beriman dengan Allah... (Hairi was the one who said that in the novel). dan orang yang beriman dengan Allah adalah orang yang mempercayai dengan sepenuh hati dan mengamalkan apa yang diketahuinya (ilmu; knowledge).
Eemaan is speech and action. It increases and decreases. If u perform gud deeds, it increases and if u do wrong, it decreases. shaykh abdur razzaak al abbaad
so here goes the story, im just here to talk about the small things that many people took it for granted. We have a big objective coming up in the Hereafter (that means after this world has ended). We have a deadline to meet with Allah, so we couldnt afford by to try to make ourselves become a better person- orang yang beriman. tapi kenapa kita masih keluar ramai-ramai tengok wayang cerita "eclipse" dalam gelap sedangkan kita tahu cerita itu banyak romance seen? kenapa kita masih buat perkara perkara lagha yang sering melalaikan kita? kenapa kita masih tengok cerita korea sampai pukul 3 pagi instead of doing tahajjud?
Hmppphh. people say, alahhh ni semua bende kecik je. bukannye kite tinggal solat. think again, please. these little things reflected us right back where it shows that kita ni cuai dalam menjaga iman kita sendiri. (sorry lah terase nak marah skejap). tengok wayang cite toys story ke, iron man ke, dalam gelap tempat tu kita tak tahu pun ape yang terjadi walaupun kita keluar dengan family. answer me true or false, we noe theres a definite possibility that people are doing god-noes-what inside the cinema right? kalau keluar dengan family, tak terase ke family tu yang mereka ada responsibility terhadap the other family members and secara tak langsung, mereka sendiri mendedahkan to the other family members tentang perkara sebegitu. the kafirun claimed war to us by saying they will invade our thinking and destroy us from the inside. we hoped for the war to stop, we hoped for our freedom and sole peace in this world, how can we change the big things sedangkan benda yang kecil ni pun kita pandang remeh? subhanallah. ok lahh, emo sikit sebab tengah geram.
"al-iman yazidu wa yanqus"
Wallahu a'alam.
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